TopBand: Re: Re Topband BC Station birdies

David Kennedy
Sat, 14 Dec 1996 10:22:12 EST

Carl--OK, I'm willing to concede your comments about "diode loaded
rice boxes" got me to thinking about the possibility that the BC birdies
may be generated internally in our own receivers. But lets not "throw
the baby out with the bath water". If your theory is correct (I'm not
certain that it is the whole story) why not just use a one or two stage
tube type preamp and turn down the receiver RF gain to compensate?
Most of the "rice boxes" need help on both ends (RF and AF) anyhow.

BTW, the Ten Tec Omnis are the only receivers I know of that permit
you to reduce RF gain without the S meter moving up or off scale. You
can adjust the S meter noise floor to S-1 or so (best S/N?) with the
Omni RF gain control and with any amount of external RF gain.This 
feature is especially useful when using Beverage antennas for 
receiving or when the Omni is used as a first IF in satellite
communications. Many DXers have discovered that the Omnis, which
use crystal mixing, also have superior intermod character, both
transmit and receive. 

73 Dave N4SU

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