Garry Shapiro
Mon, 23 Dec 1996 23:10:41 -0800 wrote:
> For those following this subject here are the ones I logged on night of 23 Dec
> Some of the beacons send their call then a long dash and keep repeating this
> pattern while some others just send a call and dissappear?
> Number in brackets is repeat cycle where I was able to copy them well enough!
> 1803.2  ?K9           1804.3  FS4 (7.3)
> 1810.2  CR9  (8.5)    1816.0  7RK
> 1822.2  N35  (10.7)   1822.8  T31        1825.2  AC94
> 1830.6  BD77
> 1843.5  BE28
> 1860.2  A62P (12.2)
> 1870.0  H69  (12.8)
> 1883.3  FX9  (8.8)
> 1900.0  8MU
> 1910.2  CK87          1912.3  V66
> 1932.6  AZ4
> and about 10 more too weak to copy.
> As VQ9SS reported vy inconvenient when one is looking for weak 160 metre
> signals.
> Seasons Greetings
> Bob Parkes
> 4S7RPG
It may very well be, as W8JI has suggested, that many of these are
harmonics of VLF beacons. I would guess this to be most likely for those
signals that transmit essentially continuously. Driftnet buoys (not
beacons) are battery powered and are usually transponders and are
presumably turned on only to ascertain their position.

Garry Shapiro, NI6T
Editor, The DXer
newsletter of the Northern California DX Club

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