TopBand: Poor condx on Topband
Mon, 30 Dec 1996 21:31:56 +0100
Hi guys,
I have been reading all the INFO you all send to the reflector , everyday ,
and things seems to be very bad for this special location , very poor condx
expected even with the low A & K index's . It looks like propagation goes only
transversal , so for instance , I can read here everyday East Coast stations
working Scandinavian stations , also Mid-West stations with good surprises ,
European guys doing some nice Qso's with people somewhere in the PAC area ,
and so on . Well , I do not know what could be happened to my station coz I am
not able to do the same sort of things . OK ! not so easy to WRK PAC and AS ,
from my QTH , but have done time ago (couple of months) some nice Qso's with
the East Coast stations and lot's of Mid-West stations , have also WKD few JA's
in late Nov.95 , and have had fun here on the TOP , but what happens now..?
Does the propagation had a radical change..? It looks like , because I can not
almost hear nothing from US , just sometimes I hear some JA station calling ,
and nothing more at all , OH well , of course I hear/work EU stations on the
band , but I was speaking now about DX !!
I understand my setup it is not so good like others , my 5/16 wl up 14m
inverted "L" has nothing to do , also I do not have RX antennas , but never had
inverted "L" has nothing to do , also I do not have RX antennas , but never
I start on TOPBAND on MAY.95 , and think that things were better then , good
condx to USA , almost everyday done Qso's with US guys . Not many coming from
the Middle-East , but I did my work as good as I can , some nice opennings to
Africa made me happy too . Now , I do not know others down here about what
can they hear or not in almost same area , but in this QTH I have a lot of
troubles to copy nice DX stations . Yes , even so , I also WKD
3C5Z-9X4WW-5X4F-A92GD-some4X4's-someVE's and so , but the thing is that
propagation is not helping so much . So we have to wait for better condx
coming soon..??? Also I will put some kind of RX ant's , and want to make the
TX antenna better (I would like a 75-80ft vert.) but paying special interest
on the RX setup .
So , untill things get better to Qso with you , have a happy holidays to all
Best wishes es 73 de EA6ACC Josep.
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