TopBand: Who's Running how much power; who's doing this and who's doing that?
Stephen Dobak
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 20:51:26 -0500 (EST)
Greetings from WB3AMG, I do have a few questions about some of the
points Dennis made
On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, dennis g. peterson wrote:
> Gentlemen: Who really care's? If you stop and think about it, If a
> Foreign Country is allowing and or allocating their countries hams to
> operate using more power; Let it be. Who are we here in the USA think we
> are? None of us are GOD, and NONE of us have the RIGHT to say that another
> country can do this or that or that they can't do this or that. WE here in
> the USA are governed by the Rights, Rules and Regulations as set forth by
> the various Communications Bodied Governments.
Whether it be the IARU, The> ARRL--SNIP-- When did the ARRL become a
goverment body??? I realize some in the ARRL think of themselves as
some kind of dieaties but isn't this pushing it a bit!!
or simply those as set forth by the Federal Government. As citizens of
> the USA we either have to obey them, or step forward and try to do something
> legally through getting ourselves elected to a position that could possibly
> change the situation through NEW BLOOD IN THE LIMELIGHT; or keep our mouth
> shut and go along with the flow. Bitching and complaining about other
> countries allocations and operating habits and conditions certainly isn't
> going to change ours.
> I personally feel that had it not been the change for some of these contests
> in which these countries may or may not be running the additional power, "WE
> might not have even heard them". If this is the case, how would you like it
> if our government or the
ARRL-- Here we go again, While I was a member once it was for a year
back in 67, I was 12 years old and didn't know any better, but even then
I knew they were anything but a goverment body. I was use to Hillary
acting as if she held elective office but this is absurd...
stepped in and said OKAY, Those countries that
> were running the additional power during the contest, if
> USA stations worked any during this period, "THEY DON'T OR WON'T COUNT FOR
> DXCC CREDIT". Youi certainly wouldn't like that now would you.
> Let the other countries set their own limitations and allocations and power
> limits; and let start abiding by those as set forth in our own country and
> try to be LEGAL. Only a CHEATER KNOW HE/SHE'S CHEATING and they are the
> one's who have to live with THEIR CONSCIENCE; Not Me Not You. If one
> doesn't like the rules of the contest, then don't get into it. There are
> two (2) positions of operations on a TRANSCEIVER. ON & OFF. We all have
> the right to make that choice during the test. If you don't like the way it
> is going DON'T PARTICIPate. Hope to see/Hear many of you next weekend in
> the ARRL TEST. 73s de N7CKDennis/0
I do hope his tables are better than his political insight!!!
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> N7CKDennis G. Peterson
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While I don't entirly disagree with Dennis and he makes good points
since when does the ARR-SMELL dictate policy???
| Shamokin: Where the birds fly upside | Steve Dobak |
| down, since there isn't anything in | WB3AMG |
| this town worth shitting on. | :-) |
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