TopBand: JD1 activity
Minekazu Sugiyama
Sun, 1 Dec 96 14:07:02 JST
JA4GXS gave me a note re his next Ogasawara operation
as JA4GXS/JD1. He will be operating from 9 UTC Dec 23
till 13 UTC Dec 25 including 160 meters.
JQ1SUO gave me a letter re his JQ1SUO/JD1 Ogasawara
operation which will take place from Dec 23 till Jan 3.
His plan is: 0900-1100 UTC on 3.8MHz (or elsewhere)
1100- 1.9MHz looking for USA
2000-2100 3.8 or 1.9MHz
2130-2200 3.8MHz.
JD1AMA is heard occasionally. On 27th at 2151 UTC
I heard ON4ACG work the JD1. Other callers I happened
to hear include ON4AET, DK6AL and DK5PR.
According to NTT, the telephone number and address of
JQ1QET/JD1 in Tokyo was OK which is identical to his
CBA. I have tried severtal times but my phone calls were
never unswered (not busy but absent). His phone number
was dropped off from the latest telephone directory
distributed in November. I checked with NTT to find
just so.
Good DX de Mine JE1CTM/JA2NQG
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