TopBand: 185khz Beacon this weekend. (Delete if not interested!)

Greg Weinfurtner
Fri, 01 Nov 1996 15:27:04 -0400

Jay, John, QRPers, Glowbuggers and Topbanders,
	This weekend I am running a beacon on 185 khz.  QRP at ONE
screamin' watt to a short antenna.  Please listen if you get a chance this
weekend!  It'll be on during evening hours from sundown to sun-up EST.
November 1,2 and 3.

	The beacon will be CW and send my grid square and home address.
1750 meters is a challenging band and I appreciate any and all comments.  I
will report a summary of contacts to anyone who is interested!

vy 73/72 de

*                                    Greg Weinfurtner AEE BSS *
* NN    N  SSSSSSS  8888888  OOOOOOO Electronic Design Splst  *
* N N   N  S        8     8  O     O Ohio University   Athens *
* N  N  N  SSSSSSS  8888888  O     O GO BOBCATS!              *
* N   N N        S  8     8  O     O                          *
* N    NN  SSSSSSS  8888888  OOOOOOO                          *
*                                                             *
*                              Can thou send forth lightnings *
* Amateur Radio                that they may go and say unto  *
* DXCC WAS EM89  QRP-L #297    thee, 'Here we are'? Job 38:35 *
*                           *
*                   *

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