TopBand: Grecian Formula
Bill Hohnstein
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 00:10:23 -0600
There have been poor conditions this week on 160--tonight has been a
strange mix. As soon as I got home I heard (& worked 0041z) a strong
signal from SV2BOH. He didn't appear to be copying many of his
stateside callers and later signed off saying that he'd be back on
the next day to try again.
Little else was heard in Nebraska tonight until 0514z when SV8ZS was
worked. Then, at 0526z SV8JE was worked. Both had weak signals and
were heard better on the southeast Beverage. IV3PRK tinted the
Grecian Formula with a QSO at 0541z. He was also much weaker than
normal, better on the SE Beverage.
In reference to the one commenter's desire for antennas with reports--
the transmit antenna is a four element parastic vertical array (three
elements active towards Europe).
Time for my sked with ZZ2ZZZ...
73, Bill K0HA
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