TopBand: Rig for 160 and all bands
Harold Smith
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 06:11:20 +0000
Hello Klaus !
I am sorry that you have the problems with the FT-1000MP. I have here a
FT-1000D and A TS-950SD and a few other Xcvrs. I sure don't have that
problem with them.
My friend, Ken NA0Y is 60 over 9 here and the same the with my sig on Top-Band.
Within a couple of kHz, we can work the band and not know that each other is
on the band.
I think that the new Xcvrs have "Zufiel Scheise dadrin". If you could find a
great mint "Clase" TS-930AT Kenwood, even very old by todays rigs, it is
still a great Xcvr.
FT-1000D's are ease to find here. If you want, I can get on and check it
out. Meine Frau kommpt aus die Ruhr-Gebiet. Muelheim-Ruhr, und ich kan bring
es mit.
Keine "Up-Front" DM, nur das alles ist ok. Das kan in feleich in Feb oder
Marz. Hofenlich
meinen Deutch ist gut enuf. Ich bin an Americner, Ich hat gearbeited fuer
Siemens Ub-Med in U.S.A. fur 30 jarhs. Und an 58 jarhs hat pensonert. Das
war 4 jarh freur.
So Klaus CU on Top-Band when my S9-10 dB noise is gone.
de Price W0RI
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