TopBand: Iaru 160m Contest

Koch Bernhard
Thu, 07 Nov 1996 09:59:37 +0100


Dear OM

these are the rules of the IARU REG I 160m Contest.

vy 73

Bernard Koch, OE4BKU

*  =

IARU Region 1 160m Contest

1    DONATOR             :    This contest is held by IARU Reg I and this
                              year processed by OEVSV

2    ELIGIBLE ENTRANTS   :    all licenced radio amateurs        =

3    PERIOD              :    third full weekend each NOVEMBER,       =
                              SAT 1400 UTC  to SUN 0800 UTC;
                              16/17 Nov. 1996

4    SECTIONS            :    single operator (SO) =3D>maximal 14 hours of =
                              for SO,resttimes must be marked clearly in th=
e =
log and
                              must be at least 1 hour long, multi OP single=
TX (MOST),     =
                         SWL; Only one signal at any given time may be on =

5    MODE           :    CW only;

6    CONTEST CALL        :    CQ TEST or CQ IARU;

7    FREQUENCIES         :    1810-1950 kHz; participants should carefully =
observe        =
                              there     national regulations for 160m;

8    EXCHANGE       :    RST and a two or three-letter/digit =
DISTRICT-           =
                         CODE; (i.e. DOK(DL), Dept.(F), county(G),State(W), =
                         Province(VE), Territorys(VK) get the =

9    SCORING             :    one point for each complete contest-QSO;

10   MULTIPLIERS         :    each received DISTRICT-CODE counts 1 point. =
                         (W/VE...State/Province , U..Oblast, {you get the =
                              each worked  DXCC/WAE country counts 2 points=

11   TOTAL SCORE         :    (sum of valid QSOs)  x  (sum of multipliers);=

12   LOGS                :logs should be A4-size; a dupe sheet is required =
if more   =
                         than 100 QSOs are logged;additional Logs on disc =
are       =
                         appreciated (K1EA or ASCII format)

13   DECLARATION         :    any summary-sheet must be accompanied by the =
                         following declaration: "I declare that this station=
was            =
                         operated strictly in accordance with the national =
radio                    =

14   CLOSING DATE        :    entries must be postmarked not later than 31s=
t =
of        =
                         December of the contest year;

15   ADDRESS             :    IARU REG 1 CONTEST
                              Theresiengasse 11
                              A-1180 Wien
                              FAX: +1/4031830 (Mark as HF-LOG, not more tha=
n =
3 pages
                              please !)

16   ADDITIONAL INFOS    :    Logs will be carefully checked by the contest =
commitee,      =
                         any unmarked dupes will not count and will cause =
                         additional reduction of the score. Usage of =
                              etc. is permitted

17   AWARDS              :    trophies for the first 3 stations in the SO =
section; trophies   =
                         for the first station in the MOST section and SWL =
                         section; certifikates for country-winners;

18   SWL-RULES      :    same as transmitting section

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