TopBand: 160 m jw5nm

Bjerrang Mathias
Sat, 9 Nov 1996 20:40:57 +0100 (MET)

hrd you at abt 0630 utc 1831 khz, but you did not copy me
worked w7lr ad6c k0ha k7qq w7yb ke7x ve7fpt n7ua n6tr nx7k
k7idx kh6cc kh6at ve3iy/7 k7rat nk7v ny7t 

will be away from 15 to 21 nov, but will be back for cqww
then away in Norway from 1 to 15 dec.

73 dx
Mathias Bjerrang		Ham radio call:JW5NM LA5NM YI/LA5NM EA6/LA5NM
P O Box 498			LH9NP/North Pole(1993)LH9SA/North and South 	
N-9170 Longyearbyen		Pole expeditions 1993-95-96.
Svalbard Island (Norway)	Polar covers from our North Pole expedition 1993
Phone / Fax +47 79 02 11 52     is available, just send me an E-mail.

This years South Pole expedition from Berkner Island via Southpole to McMurdo
(take 3 months to go by ski) 

Collector/dealer: Polar covers, telecards, polar stamps, 			 polarbooks,
Polar art and postcards,Coins and notes (paper money).
If your are interested collector of any of above items.
Send e-mail for catalouge to:
Postads. Polar Post Svalbard, Box 498
N-9170 Longyearbyen, Svalbard island (Norway)

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