TopBand: XZ1N News Release

Dave Hollander - N7RK
Sat, 16 Nov 1996 08:19:15 +0200

XZ1N News release....please post immediately....tnx and 73, Dave N7RK


Update from Warren, K7WX: November 16 Yangon, Myanmar

All members of the XZ1N DXpedition arrived safely in Myanmar on November
15th. We are busy constructing each of the four stations to be used during
the nine days of operation. This will be an all-mode operation and will
even feature a special event station during the official opening ceremonies
of the "Visit Myanmar Year 1996" on November 18th.

Participants of this operation are:

K5VT    KC5AYR  K6ZV    K7WP    K7WX    N6BT

This activity has the support of the Myanmar government at the highest
levels and will conclude with a special multi-multi entry in the 1996 CQ
World-Wide DX Contest. This week of intense activity from this rare
location will be a wonderful opportunity for operators from every zone to
work XZ in many ways.

The crew will run four Yaesu FT-1000MP transceivers with all the necessary
firepower to a collection of monoband yagis and other special antennas. All
antennas have been provided by Force-12 and will be at a height of 90 feet
or higher:

Band            Antenna

160             Magnum 160V, 53 foot linear loaded vertical with full
length radials
80              EF-180B rotatable dipole at 120 feet
40              EF-240 2 element monoband yagi
30              EF-230 2 element monoband yagi
20              Two EF-230 3 element monoband yagis fed in phase
20-10   Two C-3, 5 band trapless yagis

The operating site will be from the New World Inya Lake Hotel, located on
the outskirts of the capital city of Yangon (96 deg 17.17 min E, 17 deg
03.05 min N). The main mode of operation will be CW, but there will also be
extensive RTTY and SSB activity. Please consult the XZ1N internet web site
for a detailed listing of approximate calling frequencies and splits.       English Version            Spanish Version

This will be one of the very few times that RTTY has been offered from XZ.
On this mode, XZ1N will be found around the low end of the RTTY segment of
each band, listening up 1 to 6 kHz. K5VT and WA7LNW will conduct this part
of the operation.

Once the operation has begun, N7RK, Dave Hollander, the Central Arizona DX
Association Webmaster will post frequent updates to the XZ1N web site, with
observations by team members about propagation and best times to work us
from different areas. We will list the call signs of especially strong
signals and some of the better operators encountered.

A unique aspect of this operation will be that bureau QSLs can be requested
in two ways: the usual method routed as "XZ1N via W1XT" and via the
internet by sending E-Mail to For a quicker reply, direct
requests with a return envelope and sufficient postage are encouraged and
should go to;

W1XT, Bob Myers
PO Box 17108
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269  USA

In less than 24 hours, we will be QRV. All members of the XZ1N DXpedition
team look forward to working you from the Union of Myanmar!

73 de Warren, K7WX

relayed by Dave, N7RK



Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

                 ex-N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK

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