TopBand: MLA2500

Joe Subich Joe Subich" <
Mon, 18 Nov 96 20:42:58

In <>, on 11/18/96 
   at 11:52 AM, (Bob Eldridge) said:

>Some questions about MLA2500 operation on 160:

>3. But why is the Q said to be low anyway? C9 is 300 pF across the 140 pF
>variable, and <440 pF should give a Q of at least 10 shouldn't it? I do
>agree that to resonate properly on 160 this C has to be increased,
>because the efficiency goes down if turns are added to the coil.

The plate impedence of a tube circuit is variously  V/(2xIp) or
V/(1.57xIp) depending on class of operation (use 2 for Class C, 1.57 for
AB) where V is the plate voltage and Ip is the peak plate current.  For
the MLA2500 this works out to be about 1600 Ohms (based on 2 KV and 800
MA, which represents 600 watts of plate dissipation at 60 - 65%
efficiency) at 1 KW (peak) out.  

The maximum plate tuning capacitance of 440 pF represents Xc=200 Ohms.  Q
is Z(plate)/Xc which makes the MAXIMIM Q of the plate circuit 8 (at 1.8
MHz).  To achieve a Q of 10 requires a tuning capacitance of 495 to 560 pF
(add another 120 pF across C9).  

Using the same constants (Q=10 and Zp=1600) yields a required maximum
loading capacitance of 2600 pF at 1.8 MHz.  It appears that the stock
loading capacitor (45-500 pF in parallel with 2100 pF) is marginal at 1.8
MHz even with a perfect 50 Ohm load.  One might consider adding another
200 pF across C47 ... but that might be too much loading cap at the top of
the band.  

The MLA-2500 requires a flat load to tune properly ... there is not enough
range in either the tuning or loading capacitor to handle a mismatch. 

Does anyone know what the combined value of L1+L2 (the plate tank) are in
circuit, particularly with the presence of the top and bottom covers?  

>5. Has anyone tried relocating the tank coil downwards, away from the top
>cover?  Or modifying the top cover? Raising the cover increases power
>output (although my top cover doesn't get warm running what I consider to
>be normal output - 600 watts).

Moving the tank coil downward will move it closer to the bottom cover and
probably not gain anything.  

>Excessive grid current kills 8875s, and I find the optimum condition is
>when drive and loading are adjusted to just barely move the grid drive
>meter. The extra output resulting from more drive just isn't worth the

The MLA2500 needs grid protection ... one suggestion has been to limit the
grid current to 80 mA for a pair of 8875s and that seems about right.  I
don't know what this works out to in terms of matched power output but we
should be relatively comfortable in running the tube at 1600 W input (1000
W peak output) if the grids are properly protected. 



   ... Joe Subich, AD8I

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