TopBand: Almost 160M WAC tonite
Dick Zwirko
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 02:51:45 -0500
160M shined again tonight (11/20 ~04Z UTC) in the Washington, DC area and
most of the East Coast of the US. When I got home from work at 03:10Z,
ZS4TX was coming through quite nicely on 1836 KHz. Since he is one of the
four ZS stations I've already worked on 160M I didn't bother calling him
again. Well, I wish I had because in the 22 minutes between 0429Z and 0451Z
I worked 5 stations on 5 continents with 100 Watts! The 5 worked were 4X4NJ
(Asia), KH6CC (Oceania), K3TEJ/C6A (NA), DK7SU (Eur.) & PY0FF (So. Amer.).
The 'ZS' WOULD have made it Top Band WAC in about an hour & a half!
Oh well...can't complain. At least one station, W1CKA in CT did work
all continents for Top Band WAC tonight in less that 2 hours tonight.
Congrats Paul! I hear from a number of stations that A61AJ was calling
me blind on 160M before I arrived home. I wasn't aware that the op, Dave,
K3LP (ex-AA6DC) had made it over to A61 as he had planned. A week ago it
looked like the trip was off. K3ANS and others did work A61AJ tonight.
Wish I would be able to get home from work before A61 sunrise,but it doesn't
look too promising for the next few days. Hope conditions hold for the
CQWW Contest this weekend. Should be able to snag A61AJ from W3LPL but the
K1HTV QSO will have to wait until after the contest if Dave is still there.
73 de Rich - K1HTV
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