TopBand: JPS/ANC4 Antenna Noise Canceller

Billy W. Cox
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 20:07:03 -0800

dennis g. peterson wrote:
> Hi Gang;  I am curious to find out if anyone else has had any problems with
> the ANC-4 JPS unit.  I bought my unit early this spring and it has been back
> to the factory 3 times so far and is headed for it's 4th trip.  It seems to
> spend more time in the shop at Raleigh, NC than it does connected to my
> equipment in the shack.  So far it's been the same problem each time.
> 4Resistors and a relay problem.  The first time the 1/2 watt resistors were
> replaced by 1 watters and again the next time.  The unit works fine for
> about a week or so and then does the same thing each time before it quits.
> Upon opening the unit this time after it quit working, I found that R24 was
> so loose that it could be move up and down in the PC Board mounting hole
> wherre it is soldered on the foil side of the PC Board to the Lande sight.
> It was also note that with this problem the tuning of the noise phase and
> noise gain was very erratic to say the least.  It was also noted that the
> external antenna connection that accepts the RCA plug wasn't making contact
> with the center pin of the plug and therefore I was getting an erroneous and
> intermittent signal on this antenna.  I straightened the connection up so
> that it could make contact with the plug and at least now there is no more
> intermittency, but the unit itself is useless as when it is turned on I have
> no OUTPUT from the TSD870s and the SWR is crazy.  If I turn the JPS unit off
> everything is fine.  Now bear in mind that the JPS unit isn't turned on
> until after the antenna is tuned for minimum swr and then the JPS unit is
> switched on.  The unit is capable of handling up to 200 watts RF but is not
> capable of handling excessive SWR.  If anyone else has experienced this
> problem, I'd really like to receive e-mail directed to me concerning the
> same.  After spending $170.00 plus shipping and three trips back to JPS at
> $20 a pop I have over $230 invested in a unit that spend more time on JPS's
> bench than it does in my shack.  Fortunately, I'm still under the 1 year
> warranty period but I wonder how many trips the unit will have to make to
> JPS before I get a good one that works.  I have all brand new gear on the
> shack and this is the only piece of equipment that is giving me problems.
> Can anyone help.  de N7CKDennis/0

I had one for awhile before the station was destroyed due to a
massive lightning hit here. Never had ANY problems with it, BUT
I NEVER ran any RF thru it. I had it in the RCVE ONLY line of my
IC-765 so I could run QSK (the ANC4's relay will NOT follow QSK).

Sure sounds like the rig's RF is wacking it before the relays
take the "good stuff" out of line ... The 200w rating is for the 
'bypass' position of the circuit, which is the state the unit is in
before you turn it on ... I know the 870s does not have a 'rcve only'
line but there have been several "solutions" for it or the 850s
that should work here. Try keeping the unit OUT of ANY RF and
see what happens ?

Overall it seemed to be a useful 'tool' to have at one's
disposal for digging them out on Top Band ...

73 Bill AA4NU

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