TopBand: Inverted V antenna,169: HI to CA

Jim Reid
Thu, 03 Oct 1996 09:09:53 -1000

Aloha All,

Last evening at 0510 UTC, I called CW CQ on 1828.
Was immediately answered by KL7H/W6 near Red Bluff,
Calif., or about 2450 miles distant.  Inv-Vee apex is up about
40 ' above the house roof; and was running the legal limit
via an 87A.  Dick gave me a 5NN,  as I gave him.  There
were other signals heard,  but not worked.  Was a pretty
strong SSB QSO going on that I heard up around 1855 just
a few minutes earlier,  but could not get their attention,  they
were W7's.

So will see what else I can do with this Inverted-Vee this season.

73,  Jim,  AH6NB

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