TopBand: Myanmar Update

Warren Hill
Sat, 5 Oct 1996 11:16:54 -0700


The XZ1N DXpedition to Myanmar remains on course. Final approvals have been
received and all but last minute details remain to be worked out. This will
be a large scale operation, with a chance for everyone to have this
location in some new and exciting ways.


  *  A concentrated effort will be made on 40, 80 and
     160-meters with special antennas and adequate power.
     OH2BH, K5VT, N6BT, AB6ZV and WA6CDR will bring a
     wealth of experience to this part of our operation.
     We are looking forward to offering XZ on the low
     bands in a meaningful way. From the e-mail we have
     received so far, interest appears to be very high.


  *  Phased Force-12 monoband yagis will be used on 20-meters.
     If propagation is good, it will be arranged to
     have both 20-meter CW and a 20-meter phone stations
     on at the same time. Initial propagation predictions
     suggest that this band could be outstanding at times, but
     may not be reliable from zone 26 to all parts of N. America.
     Contacts from zone 5 may be difficult and a special
     effort will be made to this area.

  *  A Force-12 monoband antenna will be used for 30-meter CW.
     It is expected that this band will offer the best
     overall propagation, for long periods each day.

  *  For 10 and 15-meters, we will have Force-12 yagis.

The group will arrive in Yangon on November 16th and may even be QRV that
evening. There will be a special event station running on November 18th.
>From November 19th through November 22nd, three stations will be on all
bands and most modes (CW, SSB and RTTY).

On November 23rd and 24th, XZ1N will be active in the 1996 CQ World-Wide CW
DX Contest as a multi-multi entry from zone 26.

There will be some activity on November 25, just before everything is taken
down. The team departs for Bangkok on November 26th.

The XZ1N web site has been updated with current information and can be found at:

You are welcome to add this web site to your browser as a bookmark and
visit it frequently for current information.

Each day durng our stay in Yangon, N7RK, the Central Arizona DX Association
Webmaster, will post news to the "Recent Updates" section of this web site.
>From Yangon, we will provide detailed information on the best times to work
us and general observations regarding propagation. We will even list
outstanding operators and especially strong signals. Look for your call


  OH1NYP     Jouko Hayrynen           SSB
  OH2BH      Martti Laine             CW & SSB
  K5VT       Vince Thompson           CW & RTTY
  KA5AYR     Sally Brown-Martinez     SSB
  AB6ZV      Rich Chatelain           SSB
  N6BT       Tom Schiller             CW
  WA6CDR     Robin Critchell          CW
  AA7WP      John Arthurs             CW
  KF7AY      Warren Hill              CW
  N7WTU      Dan Brown                SSB
  WA7LNW     Jack Reed                CW & RTTY
  WY7K       Millie Thompson          SSB


  DIRECT:    Bob Myers, W1XT
             PO Box 17108
             Fountain Hills, AZ  85269-7108

  E-MAIL: (bureau cards only via this route)

  BUREAU:    XZ1N via W1XT

>From the entire XZ1N team and the Central Arizona DX Association, we wish
you good DX and hope to CU in the pile-ups!

73 de Warren

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