TopBand: A "big" Magnetic Loop Antenna

Jon Zaimes AA1K
Thu, 10 Oct 1996 02:42:14 -0400 (EDT)

Reminds me of one morning back around 1980 when Mike VK6HD and I were in QSO
on 80m. Mike had given me a 579 report but suddenly on one over he said my
signal had dropped to S5 but he still copied everything OK. It was then I
noticed that my last transmission had been on the 200-foot West beverage, 8
feet high instead of the vertical! In those days I had to manually switch
the beverage each transmission. Some day I'll have to try working Mike with
a smaller antenna, hi...73/Jon AA1K

 At 08:26 PM 10/8/96 +0100, you wrote:
>Reading a story in a german amateur radio magazine about a "big" 80m magnetic
>loop from Karl DL1VU gave me an idea of a small topband antenna with the
>possibility of working DX. Well, Karl reported to have worked VK6HD with this
>antenna and 100W on 80 Meters.. so it can't be too bad.
>The antenna with dimensions for 160m would be:
>                                l = 15.3m ( 50.2ft)
>                   ****************************************
>                    *                                    *
>                     *                                  *
>                      *                                *
>                       *                              *
>                        *                            *
>                         *                          *
>                          *                        *
>                           *                      *
>                            *                    *
>                          l  *                  *  l
>                              *                *
>                               *              *
>                                *  C1    C2  *
>                                 *-||-*--||-*
>                                      |     |
>                                      |     |
>                             Coax Shield  Coax Center
>C1: about 130pF      C2: about 3000pF    Cs are variable
>Polarisation: vertical
>Well, it is sure that this is not a optimum as using a circleinstead of the
>triangular configuration.
>Also you have to use a good conducting and thick wire. I think of coax shield
>from RG 213 or so. Karl reportet a bandwidth of 60kHz on 80 (SWR less 1:1.5)
>that would mean about 30kHz on 160. Maybe the losses in the circuit pay its
>price, but on the other hand it should be less than a small loop. Bigger
>dimensions for the loop are not usefull, cause C1 runs to 0.
>Well, I'm thinking of an antenna for DXPedition and making DX from a place,
>where you are not able to put up a higher one. 15m high trees are everywhere
>and the wight of this construction is much less than a vertical.Sure a tall
>vertical or Inv. L over a really good radial-net workes better.
>DL1VU gives a good mathematic fundamental ground for this antenna. I decide
>not to repeat it here cause it is in many antennabooks.
>Did anyone try such a configuration?... any command ?
>73s Dieter
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