TopBand: Re:TB: 160 Meter Interlopers

Fri, 11 Oct 1996 09:46:00 +0900

Ralph W1ZK wrote, 
> Does anyone have any idea who these people on 1.830Mhz using Upper 
> Sideband are? They start around 1015Z and are speaking Japanese but don't 
> sound like the fishing boats that have appeared on 80 over the years. I 
> don't get any real azimuth direction from them (one of the drawbacks of 
> short beverages.) 

    If they are speaking Japanese.... 
    How about talking to Mr. Naoki Akiyama = Aki NX1L ?  He is a staff 
of the ARRL Head-quarters in CT. 

    He may give you some of suggestion about Japanese QRM on 80/160M. 
Of course, he speaks Japanese language.  (I don't know his Email adr). 
    I think there are many Japanese hams in East Coast those who have 
USA ham licenses and guess Aki NX1L knows some of them. 

    Hope if someone could warn them giving QRMs on the air. 

FYI:    JA window = 1907.5 - 1912.5kHz CW, only 5kHz wide. 
            Max. limit output power in JA = 1,000W. 

FB DX !      de  Yosi - JA3AAW. 

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