TopBand: UA0KAG QSLs & DXCC 2000

Ralph W1ZK
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 19:00:01 -0700

Ken Claerbout wrote:
> Ralph - Thanks for the note.  I just sent a card off for a recent 160 QSO so I
> guess I better not hold by breath.  I wonder if the answer in this case is for
> Tom
> to get a QSL manager.  I'm not sure how difficult it would be to get copies of
> his logs or maybe it's just a matter of a QSL manager meeting him on the air
> a couple of times a month to confirm contacts.  I would imagine we could
> even get some of the 160 crowd or DX groups to kick in for the cost of printing
> cards.  Of course your points on QSLing practices are well taken.
>                                 73  Ken KE9AKen,
 Thanks for the note re UA0KAG QSLs. Tom is just one example of a 
situation that seems to get worse as time goes on. You and I are 
communicating in the most modern medium that exists. If we want to 
confirm this "QSO" between us we have to revert to one of the oldest 
methods that exists. There has to be a better way..
                   Again thanks and Good DX,
                                   Ralph,  W1ZK

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