TopBand: Heard Island Update

Bill Tippett
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 07:39:06 -0400 (EDT)

Hello Glenn!

        I'm copying this to the reflector since I think others might
also be interested in your response to my questions.

        1.  What is a "Gladiator" vertical for 160?  I certainly hope it 
is not another Gap or Butternut.  Is it reasonably large electrically
and can it stand the ice loading and winds you must expect to encounter?
I personally question the wisdom of trying to maintain four of whatever
it is in the severe environment of Heard Island.  I would rather have
one really good and mechanically rugged vertical like the BC Special.
I also would prefer one good vertical on transmit for the simple reason
that you may experience unexpected propagation modes and directions.
This is especially true at Greyline which you mentioned in your announcement.

        2.  How many Beverages do you plan to put up?  I expect that you
will experience a brief opening to the Pacific Northwest at your sunset
(in a SE direction) at the same time as middle and eastern Europe (to the
NW).  If you don't have Beverages in the right directions, you may actually
be better off listening on the transmit antenna, especially given that you
will have NO manmade noise (except your own of course!)  I'm going to give
this some more thought and suggest some directions for your Beverages.
Europe, East Coast and Japan will most likely be straightforward short path,
but some of the other areas may need some forethought.  This is another case
where an omnidirectional receive antenna may be a nice supplement to Beverages.

        While I certainly applaud the 160 ambitions of the expedition, I am
also reminded of the weather problems the South Sandwich group encountered,
as well as the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) and Murphy's Law.
It is more important to most of us on Topband that you have a decent signal 
on the band available 100% of the time, than a colossal signal that is 
only intermittently available due to weather or complexity-induced outages.
Please take my comments in the constructive manner they are intended and
I'm looking forward to hearing your response.  

                                        73,  Bill  W0ZV

P.S.  BTW, I remember seeing a picture of "Big Ben" on Heard and I recall it
looked like it was covered by ice.  Since you are from Minnesota, I am sure
you are well aware of the mechanical and electrical problems caused by ice
loading.  You may need to explain this to some of the less "ice challenged"
team members from the warmer climates!

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