TopBand: Broadcast Interference
Charles Shaw
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 14:03:37 -0700
Hello again Terry:
At 18:44 10/13/96 -0700, you wrote:
>I am having trouble with local broadcast stations overloading my
>FT-1000D receiver. Recently one of our local broadcast radio stations
>relocated their transmitter approximately 6 air miles from my QTH and
>uped their power out level to 22 KW. Ever since then I have been
>getting a series of birdies across the 160 Meter band. Aparently the
>new location and increased power output is overloading my receiver. And
>word has it that there is yet another 50 KW station due to come on the
>air in my area sometime next month.
If you can, get a copy of N0AX 's article from NCJ, May/June 1996, page 19.
Ward reviewed a Broadcast Band Reject filter by Kiwa Electronics, 612 S.
14th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 which he highly recommended. Their phone is
505-453-5492. I bought one and it solved my problems (which weren't very
bad). I'm sure there are other ready-made ones too. Good luck.
` 73, Charles - KB5UL - New Mexico
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