TopBand: Planting Radials ??
Patrick Dayshaw
Sat, 19 Oct 1996 19:46:14 -0700
Last fall here in Seattle I put in about 1300 ft. of radials on my very
small (40' X 120') city lot for my Inverted L. The ant. is located about
1/3rd of the distance from the back of the property, and about 10' from the
edge. The layout is not perfect by any means but it made a huge difference
in how the ant. plays.
I laid out each wire from an 8' ground rod driven at the base of the L and
temporarily "anchored" the far end by bending the #14 copper at right
angles and punching it into the ground. All wires were soldered together
at the ground rod. Some were only thirty feet long others
I managed to get into the 60 - 70 ft, range by running along the house etc.
I buried the wires with a straight bladed garden tool, it's about 8" wide,
heavy metal, with a "standard" garden tool handle. The one I found has a
thicker edge on top of the blade where you put your foot. I waited until
the rains came (it actually doesn't rain all the time in Seattle) and then
started working when the ground was wet and soft. I just moved along and
pushed the blade down and then pushed the wire (carefully) into the slit.
I found I could move along rather quickly. In the areas where the grass
was thick I sort of hop-scotched along and just buried every 18 - 24". The
wire just disappeared into the grass. In the areas where the grass was
thin, I buried it all. The wire was only an inch or two below the surface
in most areas. Lawn looked a little weird for a week or two but after that
you couldn't tell it was there and as soon as spring came and the grass
started growing again there was no trace.
> From: Mike Rhodes <>
> To:
> Subject: TopBand: Planting Radials ??
> Date: Saturday, October 19, 1996 3:38 PM
> Greetings All,
> Have been reading with interest the various discussions on ground
> systems. As a related topic, I'm wondering what sort of 'ingenious
> contraptions' you may have used to put your radials into or on the
> I have tried the 'weaving' of radials into the mat of the lawn but
> unfortunately my city lawn is a little sparse in spots and would seem to
> invite snagging with most anything. An ax for shallowly slotting the soil
> and a finger for poking the wire into the slot has been used successfully
> but sure isn't much fun! Surely someone has come up with a relatively
> simple but effective device for at least making radial planting less of a
> chore (short of tearing up and reseeding the lawn that is).
> 73 de Mike / W8DN
> --
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