TopBand: Working stations with your call at a multi-multi

Larry Tyree
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 07:41:29 -0800 (PST)

My cousin NI6T writes:

> ARRL requires all submitted QSL's for DXCC QSO's to be made by the same
> operator and from within the same DXCC country. To my knowledge, the
> rules say nothing about the QSO's being made from your own shack. There
> are those who think that living in California and traveling to
> Connecticut to work Euros and 4X on 160 is tainted--I am among them--but
> it is, in fact, OK with the DXCC desk, and my opinion counts zero.

Same thing from Oregon!  K5FUV told me those QSOs from K1KI's are valid
for my DXCC, but it just isn't the same.  The accomplishment of working
4X4NJ eventually from Oregon will be about 100 db more satisfying 
when I eventually do it from Oregon than when I worked him at K1KI's
with 20 db over S-9 signals.  It is almost the same as when I worked
Riki from Wyoming recently - it just isn't the same.

Gee - 100 db more satisfying - 20 db over S-9.  Guess that means you 
will be about S minus 5 when I work you Riki.

There are two answers to the question.  First, with my N6AA hat on,
this is a bad thing to do.  Most contest rules state that a transmitter
should only be used with one callsign during a contest (except for
family stations).  You are potentially generating a unique for the
DX station (unless you work about 20 or so people like this).  The
people checking the contest log will see what happened instantly.
You might be suspected of playing favorites and trying to pad this
guys log.  Or it is possible this QSO will be suspected as a 
QSO that didn't occur and the operator added some of his friends
calls to the log.

The other answer has more to do with what you are trying to do with 
your own 160 meter effort and how you feel about it.  If getting the
cards on the wall with QSOs not from your own station doesn't bother
you, then go for it.  However, many people would rather be able to
say that these countries on the wall were worked from their own

> However, by the same token, QSO's by "guest" operators--including those
> operating a DXpeditioner's home station to "work" the DXpedition so that
> the DXpeditioner gets credit for working a country that he in fact is in
> at the time---are bogus. But the DXCC desk has (knowingly) allowed
> those, too. Yes, I can give examples.

This is a problem that it would be nice to have some clear rules
on so we all play by them.  Personally, I feel it is a nice 
thing to give someone credit for putting a rare place on the air,
but maybe only if the effort demonstrates that it had the capability
of working your home QTH (by making other QSOs in that area).  Like,
if I put XF4 on the air, I probably would be able to work it from 
home, but not JY.  However, maybe this is just one of those times
that life isn't fair.


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