TopBand: How to make a tower resonate on 80/160 Mtrs ?

Angel M. Claus
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 00:42:10 +0100 (MET)

Hi all

We are a contest group in Spain,  EA4ML, and we have 8 towers of 90' (30
mtrs) each one.
Till now the antenna we have been using both on 80 and 160 are Inverted V's
, but the results aren't what we are looking for on those bands.
Could somebody help me and let me know how to make the tower to be used as a
vertical ?
is it possible to use them both on 80 and 160 mtrs ? , or just only one band ?.
Four of these towers are used to stand the monobanders for 10/15/20 and 40
Meters. the other four are free at the moment.

Any help will be appreciated,  I'll send a summary with answers if requested.
Thank you in advance and please send answers to my Email address.

73 de Angel M. Claus   EA7CEZ

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