TopBand: K1HTV 160M QRP WAC
Dick Zwirko
Mon, 9 Sep 1996 08:31:54 -0400
Finally snagged an Oceania station for 160 Meter W.A.C. with QRP this morning.
KH6AT provided the good ears to make this accomplishment possible. I first
worked Bryce easily with 100 Watts at 1007Z today (9/9/96) then at 1037Z
after the hoard had stopped calling him I tried working him this
time with 5 Watts. After one 'QRZ QRP' from Bryce I managed to get a 459
report from him. The antenna for both transmit and receive is a 78 foot
tower with a capacitive yagi top hat of VHF & UHF yagis and 15 short radials.
4X4NJ provided the Asian QSOs for the QRP 160 WAC. Rikki has real big ears,
having worked him twice with 5 Watts and once wih 1 Watt on the Top Band.
Whats next? Maybe QRPP WAC 160? With one Watt QSOs with Asia, Europe and NA
already made, the rest should be possible. If you don't try, you will never
know if you can.
73 de Rich - K1HTV
"Life is long enough for QRP"
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