Warren Hill
Sun, 15 Sep 1996 21:57:36 -0700

XZ1N IN NOVEMBER - The Door to Myanmar Has Re-opened!

Thanks to the continuing efforts of several dedicated members of the DX
community, the door to amateur radio in the Union of Myanmar has been
re-opened! The stage is now set for a well organized, large-scale operation
by members of the Central Arizona DX Association from November 16 - 25,

This will be an all-mode operation and will even feature a special event
station during the official opening ceremonies of "Visit Myanmar Year,
1996." Participants to be: AB6ZV, AA7WP, JA1BK, K5VT, KC5AYR, N6BT, WA6CDR,
KF7AY, N7NG, N7WTU, NZ7E, OH2BH, WA7LNW and WY7K. Each operator brings
unique skills to make this operation top notch. This activity has the
approval of the Myanmar government at the highest levels and will conclude
with a special multi-multi entry in the CQ World-Wide CW DX Contest. This
week of intense activity from this extremely rare location will be a
wonderful opportunity for everyone to work XZ in many ways!

The crew will operate three Yaesu FT-1000MP's plus Alpha linears to
monoband yagis at above 80 feet and various special low band antennas from
the New World Inya Lake Hotel on the outskirts of the capital city of
Yangon (96 deg 17 min E  16 deg  78 min N) formerly known as Rangoon. The
main mode of operation will be CW, but there will also be extensive RTTY
and SSB activity. Look for this team on the usual DX calling frequencies.

There will be a special emphasis on the low bands by AB6ZV and N6BT and
every effort will be made to work the sunrise and/or sunset terminator as
it passes through regions where propagation is supported. This will also be
one of the very few times that RTTY has been offered from XZ. On this mode,
XZ1N will be found around the low end of the RTTY segment of each band,
listening up 1 to 6 KHz.

For more detailed information, you are invited to visit the XZ1N Internet
web site located at

Once the operation has begun, N7RK, the Central Arizona DX Association
Webmaster, will post frequent updates to this web site with observations by
team members about propagation and best times to work them from different

A unique aspect of this operation will be that bureau QSLs can be requested
in two ways: the usual method, routed as "XZ1N via W1XT" and via the
Internet by sending e-mail to For a quicker reply, direct
requests with a return envelope and sufficient postage are encouraged and
should go to W1XT at PO Box 17108, Fountain Hills, AZ  85269, USA. Because
of the time needed to print QSLs, the mailing of XZ1N cards will begin in
late January or early February. After that, W1XT has promised a quick
turnaround. Bureau cards will be sent out at least twice monthly.

The propagation predictions listed below may be useful, but it should be
remembered that these are only broad generalizations based on the combined
best estimates of several of the leading programs. Actual propagation to
Myanmar during this time of year may differ significantly on a day-to-day
basis. This is not a listing as to when XZ1N will be on these bands, but
only a suggestion as to when propagation may be supported. All three
stations will simultaneously be on different bands.

Region          Frequencies             Approximate Best Times (GMT)

N. America      21 and 18-Mhz           2230 - 0100 (mostly W6 & W7)
                14-Mhz                  1330 - 0200
                10 and 7-Mhz            1100 - 0100 ( best bands overall )
                3.5 and 1.8-Mhz         Local sunrise at N. America.

Europe          21 and 18-Mhz           0700 - 1400 (best to LA, SM & OH)
                14-Mhz                  0500 - 1400
                7 and 10-MHz            1200 - 0200
                3.5 and 1.8-Mhz         Local sunset at Europe

Asia            21 and 18-Mhz           0030 - 0830
                14-Mhz                  2330 - 0930
                10 and 7-Mhz            2300 - 1400
                3.5 and 1.8-Mhz         0900 - 2300

S. America      21 and 18--Mhz          1130 - 1530
                14-Mhz                  1000 - 1600
                10 and 7-Mhz            2000 - 0230
                3.5 and 1.8-Mhz         Local sunrise at HK, HC & OA

Africa          21 and 18-Mhz           0500 - 1800
                14-Mhz                  0300 - 2000
                10 and 7-Mhz            1400 - 0200
                3.5 and 1.8-Mhz         Local sunset at Africa

All members of the XZ1N DXpedition team look forward to working you from
the Union of Myanmar! Remember, this year the XZ, zone 26 multiplier will
be available in the CQ World-Wide CW DX Contest for only the second time in
three decades!

73 de Warren/KF7AY


                 KF7AY in Arizona
                   Warren Hill

          XZ1N (Burma DXpedition) Web Site


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