TopBand: Splitting B
Rolf T Salme
19 Sep 96 07:46:49 EDT
>Depending on how close headend of Beverages is to xmit antenna, putting a
>pre-amp out there may create more problems than you want. Don't forget ZJ
>preamp and KD9SV's in Ham Radio Magazine. I found having the adjustable gain
>pre-amp in shack everybit as good as having it out at the headend.
>73 Craig NX1Guano
Hello Craig,
I'd like to ask a few questions about preamps. To improve my reception on
topband, I am planning to put up a shielded loop with a preamp when I return
to Hanoi next month.
I noticed that you find it more convenient to have the preamp in your shack,
to which I can agree.
However, some people claim that the preamp should be out at the antenna
feedpoint, the argument being that it is supposed to minimize signal loss in
the feeder. If you lead the signal from the loop by a coax into a preamp in
your shack, you are not supposed to have the feeder matched properly. Do you
- or anyone else reading this - think I will notice much difference?
I would also appreciate possible advice on which preamp to choose. I have
heard of the ZJ, ARR and KD9SV preamps (my preference is a ready-made one).
73 de
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