TopBand: The Inverted-L Antenna (fwd)

Jeffrey Herman
Sun, 29 Sep 1996 16:16:00 -1000

The following appeared on the QRP list.  //  KH2PZ

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 12:00:34 -1000
From: William K Hibbert <>
To: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l@Lehigh.EDU>
Subject: The Inverted-L Antenna

Here's another posting from the BARK PBBS...Keith, WB2VUO
                                                                Page 1

                        The Inverted "L" Antenna

So, you REALLY want to get on the 160 Meter band, but the neighbors won't
let you run your 250' long dipole over their swimming pool?  And, you say
that the State DOT looks down on your attempt to tie the other end across
the State Highway?  Well, fear not, as there is a compact solution to
MF antler woes, and it is an Inverted "L".  [It can also be cut for 80 or

The Inverted "L" is a 1/4-wave Marconi, fed against ground or a
counterpoise such as radials.  The antenna displays a low feed impedance,
which allow you to feed it directly with 50-ohm coax cable.  The vertical
section should be as high as possible, with the remainder of the antenna
run horizontally to a support, such as a tree or a mast.  The antenna is
fabricated from wire, with the heavier the gauge the better. [The larger
the wire diameter, the wider the bandwidth].  One method of installation
would be to use a mast as the vertical "wire", with the horizontal
firmly bonded to the top of the mast.

The wire is cut to a resonant 1/4-wave length, based on the formula:

                        L(Ft) = 234/F(MHz)

If your ground is REALLY good, like your house is on stilts over the
a counterpoise won't be needed, but for our GREAT ground here in Western
NY, figure on using at least one counterpoise, if not a few.  The length
the counterpoise wires will be cut to a 1/4-wavelength by the formula:

                        L(Ft) = 246/F(MHz)

Basically, the counterpoise should be high enough to not get in the way,
but could be as high as your installation allows.  Mine is run around the
base of the house, just below the siding, except around the back door. At
that point, I ran the wire under the bottom of doorframe.  The wire I
is #18 stranded insulated hook-up wire.


Well, any antenna discussion is not complete without a chart of some
so here are the dimensions for an Inverted "L", listed in tabular form:

        Frequency         Radiator Length       Counterpoise Length

        1.85 MHz                126.5'                  133.0'
        1.95 MHz                120.0'                  126.2'
        3.60 MHz                 65.0'                   68.3'
        3.90 MHz                 60.0'                   63.1'
        7.15 MHz                 32.7'                   34.4'

For bands above 40 Meters, an All-Wire Ground Plane can be constructed,
that's another wire antenna project for the future.  Give the Inverted
a try, and enjoy your limited-space MF/HF operation.

72/73, Keith, WB2VUO, QRP-L #582
Trustee, KB2YTW/B 10 Mtr Beacon (28.2860 MHz)
"In the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamp...FN13ac"


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