TopBand: Topband Reflector
Bill Tippett
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 07:08:43 -0400 (EDT)
I will send out a monthly message like this to remind you
of some of the admin type issues on the reflector. So far things
seem to be going well and we now have over 600 subscribers with more
being added as cooler weather and improved conditions bring more
interest in 160.
First, a few of you have asked me about items of a commercial
nature on the reflector. As long as they are related to 160, I see
no problem with this. In fact this is one advantage of Internet over
Ham Radio since we cannot discuss things of a commercial nature there.
In general, my only rule-of-thumb for reflector content is "Does it
pertain to 160?"
All of you are generally doing a great job of keeping topics
relevant, although I would ask each of you to consider whether your
responses should be posted to the complete reflector rather than to
an individual asking a specific question. Just think about this and
use your good common sense before deciding whether to reply to the
entire reflector...if you think everyone would be interested in your
response, just go ahead and post it to Topband.
I need your help with the following. When subscribing and
unsubscribing, please send your administrative messages to: WHY?
Because I have to redo each one that is sent to topband. Majordomo
software bounces messages to the reflector with administrative words
like "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" near the beginning of the text.
This is good because it keeps these off the reflector but it creates
extra work for me which would be unnecessary if you just send your
administrative messages to topband-request as the tagline at the
bottom of this page says.
Regarding callsign changes, I anticipate that many of you will
soon have new calls. Since many of you have your call embedded in
your E-mail address, you will probably want to change your user address
with your Internet Service Provider. PLEASE follow the following
procedure which will save you and me a lot of agony:
1. Using your current E-mail address, send an unsubscribe
message to
2. Set up your new address with your ISP.
3. AFTER you are online with your new address, send a subscribe
message to
4. I suggest you do this for each reflector you subscribe to
since it will save everyone a lot of work.
5. Send your new and old calls to Craig will
compile a new and old list on a periodic basis so that we do not clutter
the reflector with all these messages. Yes, Craig will leave HIS E-mail
addresss active for awhile since it has his "old" call in it.
That's it for this month. Thanks to all of you for your
participation and thanks in advance for following some of the above
suggestions which will make my job easier.
73 and Good Hunting on 160,
Bill W0ZV
Topband Administrator
Administrative requests:
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