TopBand: Inverted-L directivity

Bill Tippett
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 16:28:42 -0400 (EDT)

At 11:05  9/30/96 -0500, NO0Y wrote:

>Dan KL7Y makes a good point in his post
>regarding the T antenna having an over head
>null in it's radiation pattern. It is often 
>overlooked that the quarter wave(or shorter) 
>vertical is NOT an isotropic radiator. 

This reminded me of a point that I meant to make
previously when someone said that an Inverted-L had
its maximum directivity in the direction of the top 
loading wire.  I had a 50 foot Inverted-L up the
first year I was here in NC and decided to model it
on Elnec to check the directivity.  I found that the
pattern was maximized in the direction OPPOSITE to
the top loading wire.  It was not a lot but on the
order of a dB or two.  Every little bit helps!

                                73,  Bill  W0ZV

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