TopBand: Propagation Alert from The Daily DX

Bill Tippett
Wed, 09 Apr 1997 07:56:18 -0500 (EST)

The following is reposted with permission from W3UR
(, Editor of The Daily DX:

Propagation Alert - from Ted Cohen, N4XX
There was a major event on the Sun on April 7th around 16:00Z.
The event was larger than the event on January 10, 1997 (which
"killed" an AT&T satellite and which probably was responsible for
the unbelievable 160 meters propagation on January 11th, at least
on the east coast of the US.  The shock wave from this event
should arrive on Earth tonight EDT, though it may have been
detectable yesterday, April 8th (depending on the speed of the
radiation).  The effects of this event are expected to be greater
than January 11th.  We should be able to see aurora (red, in
fact), and it should be able to be seen at relatively low
latitudes.  If the ionosphere is affected in the same manner as
it was for the storm on January 10th, this could be a real treat!
It will be interesting to see the effects the storm has on 160
meters propagation.  VHF/UHF conditions, of course, should be

/                                                               \
| THE DAILY DX is published Monday through Friday by Bernie     |
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