TopBand: 9X4WW qrt...assistance required

Mark Demeuleneere
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:07:09 +0200

Hi all,

Last one in my log is OM3RM. Thanks to all who called me on my last
day of operation.

Andrew Murenzi (local resident) is still going strong to get Amateur
Radio going. I think in time he will succeed.
I requested assistance from IARU to provide technical books to the
Rwandan Amateur Radio Club. Maybe some of you also have old ARRL and 
other technical books which you don't use anymore and could consider
of donating to this club. I feel this would be a real boost for
Andrew to continue his efforts to establish Amateur Radio back to
normal in 9X land.
If you want to send some used (or new) stuff, I have handed over my
p.o. box to Andrew who will use it for the club :
P.O. Box 3419
Kigali - Rwanda

Thanks for your attention and possible help. Could someone forward
this message to the DX-Reflector as I don't have access to it ?
This emailaddress will be discontinued on Friday 22 August as I
finish my contract. Pse send any mail to :

73 - Mark - 9X4WW/ON4WW

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