TopBand: Boring Oregon Report N5KO/7 and N6TR/7
Tree N6TR
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 08:52:11 -0700 (PDT)
Last night, things were VERY noisy and we didn't spend much time
listening. There were a lot of storm clouds around and it was
just too much (Trey says I should spend some time in Texas).
This morning, Trey was up before me and worked a couple of VK6's and
UA0KAG - the normal stuff. Mike, VK6HD, mentioned to Trey that UN5J
was on 1830 calling CQ. When I got up to the shack around 1330 UTC,
Trey told me that my mission was to listen for UN5J. I assured Trey
there was no way that we could hear Vlad except in winter (there
were two days last December where Vlad was coming in very well).
I worked Steve, VK6VZ and UA0KAG, and was about to QRT, but I thought
I would listen on 1830 to humor Trey. After sunrise (1325Z), the AM
Broadcast stations increase their power, so there was a small carrier
on the frequency.
Around 1340Z, Trey and I both noticed something funny
about the carrier, and it wasn't long until UN5J peaked up.
We had two or three good shots at him, but couldn't get his attention.
Check out for what it sounded
This is very exciting!! I never dreamed of hearing zone 17 in August.
Perhaps Mike can QSP to Vlad that he was being heard at 1340Z and
maybe try again tomorrow (although I won't be on the band myself
tomorrow). It might also be good if he went back to 1833 kHz where he
was last year to avoid any QRM from the AM carriers.
Roll out those beverages - cut the weeds away from the electric
fences - clear your calendar of 8 AM meetings... this band is open
for business!!!!!
I will be trying hard to work Europe/Africa the next two evenings.
Would be nice to complete a one night WAC in August before the
family comes home.
What a band!
73 Tree N6TR
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