TopBand: VK9LX Topband QSO?
Dan Flaig,K8RF
Thu, 04 Dec 1997 21:58:15 -0800 wrote:
> Hi Glen,
> Please don't take this personal, but you struck a nerve with me.
> > From: GLENN WYANT <>
> > This morning copy on the VK9 was difficult. I beleive he came back to
> > me at approx 1216 gmt with VA3 ?? I was not able to hear the call
> > confirmation so ..... did anyone out there where they are 579+, hear him
> > confirm my call?? Any info would be most welcome..tks Glenn VA3DX 8P9DX
> If you didn't copy the confirmation, technically you have NO contact
> even if he did come back.
> Stu Perry worked every station he claimed or he just didn't log it.
> Too bad we can't get those ethics in the mainstream today.
> That's exactly why, despite having over 200 real 160 DXCC contacts,
> I'll never bother with DXCC.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> --
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Well, Gentlemen and YL's if I may comment:
Please note this opinion does not represent anthing more than my smart
assed opinion, having just gotten back home from traveling 10,000 miles.
Seeing how I WAS the operator on the other end of this QSO let me give
my not so humble opinion:
Their was NO question as to weather or or not I had Glenns callsign
correctly or not. Period.
The only "question" was if Glenn heard me QSL his request for a
conformation of his call.
(Boy I'm out of breath, thats harder to say than "PSE QSL CL" ..... CW
is such an efficient mode........) HI!!!!!!
1) I copied his call.
2) He copied my call.
3) I copied my report.
4) He copied my report.
If that is not a QSO I guess my Ham Radio DXing days are over.
Gee, What a shame.... I thought things were going so well......I'm glad
someone set me straight....
Would it have been nice if he had copied the final last extra redundant
and technically unnessesary portions of the QSO?
Actually I would of liked to of rag chewed with Glenn for a while... he
seems like a real nice guy to me.
But I thought all the hundreds of people that were calling me might want
to get a "Quicky" as well.
Foolish me, having only a few precious hours of openings all week I
wanted to wrk as many as possible, I also gave almost everone 599 as
well, maybe 399 would of been more accurate alot of the time, believe me
if your signal made it though the constant QRN, you were damn
loud...When the static let up 2 or 3 would make it through in a minute,
but those short spells were none too frequent.
My obsevation about the 160 operators:
95% were operating in best Topband tradition.(If I can be so bold as to
say that, only having been on the band since late '93)
Meaning :
1)Not calling out of turn.
2)Calling up, not on TX freq.
This is quite a contrast from some of the higher bands where more than
once the pileup was so huge and unruley that I not only threatened to
QRT, if they didn't knock it off, but I did QRT. (Well not really, I
would just QSY!!!! ...But most of them wouldn't figure out what happened
for a while, but the savvy operators figured it out at once and would be
right on your new freq at once and would get in the log very quickly.)
I would say that on 160 that 98% of the requests we made to repeat a
callsign or "QRZ" were as a result of QRN and static chrashes, not
because someone was getting stomped on by somebody else calling out of
turn, this on the most difficult of bands to operate.(From both ends)
It sure seemed to us from our end everybody was really trying to be
gentlemen/gentlewomen about it.
Thanks to everyone for making the trip such a lot of fun, those 160 metr
QSO's are the most memorable part of the whole week there. (Only about
550 on Topband total, Nick and I had hoped for 1000).
I can't wait till next year !!!!
Thanks again to everyones support, fine operating and nice comments.
It really makes it all worthwhile..
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