TopBand: 30Jan97 Update from XU6WV

Sat, 01 Feb 1997 13:29:52 -0600

Here is the latest email from Mike, XU6WV

> 160 condx have not been all that good but
> I have been working a few guys on 160 since the contest.
> I picked up KH6AT tonite. Another nice surprise!!
> I have been txing at 1824.5-1825 and qsx down.
> As the bands changes it is necessary to more around a bit
> because of the radio beacon bouys. In general,  I specify the qsx freq
> and between 1819 and 1822.
> They seem to be the best for me at the times that I'm able to get on the
> air.
> I'm usually on by 1300 or 1400 and stick around until the S/R in
> Washington/B.C.
> I'll  get on in the mornings a bit, but we usually go to work at 0000Z
> (7 AM Local)  and that doesn't
> leave a great deal of time in the morning for me to ham. I'll  spend
> some time around  2245Z to 2330 for a few weeks to see if it bears any fruit.
> Thanks es Cul
> de Mike

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