TopBand: feb 4 cndx
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 22:52:25 -0800

>From So Cal  feb 4

looks like interesting spot propagation again..

Listened to a dead band beginning about 1415-  the
HS marker was audible but weak.  Heard a snippet
of cw twice without callsigns between 1430 and 1440.
RU0LAX answered my CQ at 1442Z 1829.6 with strong
S7 signals.  Small pile called him when I finished.  

Found BV7FC on 1828 in QSO with (I think) K6SE.
BV7FC answered my call at 1445 in the pile after
SE finished with 569 to me- he peaked S7 a little
later on S meter over S0 indicated noise floor..
many called him on 28, and then he disappeared to
re- appear on 1823 (& posted by je1spy at 1505)
where he worked N6DX with some difficulty and
others around 1510 which is firmly after sunrise
here.  I noted that Fred AD6C called several times
(apparently unsuccessfully) after the QSO
following N6DX.  The interesting item is that this
must have been the sunrise bitter end of the
signals from here as N6DX and AD6C both always
operate from the same station, about 40 miles west
of me.  The N6DX station is 4 to 6 DB stronger
than I am in the pacific, and I was able to get
thru on one call in the pile 15 minutes or so earlier. 

The HS marker peaked around 1450, and continued
audible through 1530 when I QRT.  Heard several
asia and JA working VQ9SS, but nothing heard here.

my apologies if this double posts- had an argument with my server

robin wa6cdr/n6ll

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