TopBand: 4S7 EARS
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 21:30:34 +0600

All 5Feb

In response to the Golden Ear postings herewith 4S7 summary

3 Jan  1515   no sigs
       1915   TO0R    579  no qso
       2332   UN5J    479
       2338   UA9KAA  469
4 Jan  0040   UA4WEA  449  no qso
       0053   RW9YY   579
4 Jan  1240-1520  no signals
       1541   A45ZN   579
       2230   YB1AQS  449 no qso
5 Jan  0034   UA2FX   559
       0037/56 OH's x 3
       0100   VE1ZZ   339
       0105   SP8NR   339
       0108   SM5AQD  579

26 Jan 1212   YB0UNC  339 no qso
       1215   JI3KDH  339 no qso   all poor copy
       1222   JA0MVW  339 no qso   sunset 1250 approx 
       1335   VQ9SS   599  Pres was also complaining 
                         about poor proagation at this time

Not very enlightening but the real essence of the report is the time for no
sigs when I was calling with no takers.  There are very few signals to be
had if conditions are mediocre.  Basically only about I day in 5 proves
worth the effort.  The absorbtion rarely drops enough to let things happen
and the band open up.  

I do get a sunrise peak as one would expect but the main openings if they
occur at all is usually around 2100-2300 approx ie some 4-2 hours before my
sunrise when local midnight centres on the path between Sri Lanka and Europe!!
At this time the noise level also drops which presumably means all the noise
is coming in at short skip and it drops off at this time and then the band
opens for longer skip??

I am sure Bob NM7M could enlarge on that.

Apologies for rambling
Bob Parkes

PS Will QRT in March 1997.  Next QTH is up to the boss!!

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