TopBand: Boring report

LarryX Tyree contractor for brentc
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:18:14 -0800 (PST)

Some very strange things happened last night.  First off, there were
several ZS stations on, but except for barely hearing ZS6EZ around
0330, they were not making it to Oregon.  The pipeline that I have
enjoyed to ZS seems to have shifted south.  

I hope this is a temporary thing, as I would sure like a shot at the
V5 next week.  We shall see.

The other strange thing is hearing G4VFU for TWO HOURS with a good signal
(579 most of the time) and even having LA6WEA hearing me 599 at one point,
but not hearing/working any other Europeans last night.  G4VFU often
has the best signal from Europe, but not that much better!

At any rate, it was nice to have a European back in the log.  I was starting
to wonder if the "season" was over.

I understand S21XX was in this morning for the west coast.  Yippee!!  I 
wasn't home however as I had a early meeting with my boss on the 
racquetball court.  I guess I will find out later today if I worked
him or not.  Hopefully he will be in again tomorrow.

73 Tree N6TR

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