TopBand: S21XX
Garry & Yelena
Fri, 07 Feb 1997 02:59:25 -0800
S21XX, who was heard briefly here on Tuesday morning, surfaced this
morning on 1826.7 at 1520Z and was worked--up 5-- by several Northern
California stations and perhaps some Northwest stations.
The signal was surprisingly strong. His appearance at 1520Z was 15
minutes AFTER sunrise, and he remained good copy for 15 minutes more.
Since these are the knowledgable operators from VK9XY and VK9CR, I do
not understand their relatively late appearance, which locked out
everyone south and east of us. I am sure that they will be able to work
into mid-continent if they appear early enough.
Lucky candidates this morning included NI6T, KA6W, W6RJ, AJ6T, KG6I and,
I think W6AJJ. I am sure there were others, but I QSY'd to 80.
I believe I was first and that S21XX answered my first call. I cannot be
sure about the latter, because he apparently moved up 200 Hz after his
CQ, which was enough to move him out of my passband. When I found him,
he was sending my report. This was my first zone 22 QSO on topband.
I don't know what they are using on 160, but they definitely should NOT
change anything but their operating schedule.
Garry Shapiro, NI6T
Editor, "The DXer," newsletter of the NCDXC
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