TopBand: Boring report
LarryX Tyree contractor for brentc
Fri, 7 Feb 1997 14:06:44 -0800 (PST)
Last night once again found G4VFU/MM very easy to work. After
my QSO, SM4CAN called me and we had a marginal QSO. The QSB
was very rapid and severe. Part of Kent's call would be 569
and the other parts were 009. No other Europeans heard. I
was in bed when the VP8 showed up - but since he counts as the
same country as EM1KA, I probably shouldn't have called anyway.
This morning we did not hear from zone 26 or 22. Rats! I did
find 3W5 on 80 meters for and easy QSO, and XX9TR on 40 who
told me he had no antenna for 160.
There were some very loud JAs on the band and a UA0 or two.
The main reason for writing this is to announce that I
received a QSL card from D44BC! Didn't take very long at all.
I did put VIA SPAIN on my QSL as someone suggested. Thanks Julio!
73 Tree N6TR
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