TopBand: Rprt de 4S7RPG
Sat, 8 Feb 1997 15:45:50 +0600

Colombo 8 Feb

Things are looking up!!

7 Feb 1900 A71CW on 1836 could not raise him
  all below with 4S7RPG tx on 1825.5   
7 Feb 2200-2300 OHs(5), OZs(3) and 1 SM wkd on 1814
after 2330 propagation seemed poor

8 Feb 0045 VE1ZZ wkd on 1837 at S7
  Continued calling CQ 04 no takers
8 Feb 0100 VE1ZZ 579/579 FB sigs (me 579 with 100w & Inv -L)
      0104 K1MZ
      0105 W4ZV hrd calling me 
      0108 W4DR no qso
      0110 K9UWA hrd calling m
      0112 W4DR no qso
All sigs in the noise with snippets on peaks of QSB 
Thanks to VE1ZZ for calling me again on 04 (on prompt) as my noise level was
too high on 37 and then the rest followed.

All this is 28 days after the last good session on 10 Jan

Lets hope night 8/9 is just that little bit better
Perhaps my pending QRT has generated some more power and better tuned ears!!
Best Regards

Bob Parkes

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