TopBand: K1HTV QRP report

Dick Zwirko dz@voa3.VOA.GOV
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 02:17:35 -0500

K1HTV QRP report
Well the early morning UTC hours today (2/11) well pretty good for QRP. I tried
unsuccessfully to work V5/ZS6YG (1824, QSX up 2-4KHz),from when I got home from
work at 03:20Z until 05:07 UTC, well after his sunrise. Congrats to my other
100 Watt competition W3UR & W8FJ who both managed to work the V5 just before he
dropped out. But all wasn't lost. The V5 pileup was enough of a diversion to 
allow me to work VP2EV for 160 Meter QRP Country #54, now only 99 countries 
below my 100W Topband total. 

Here's the K1HTV QRP log for 11 Feb. 1997

03:51Z VP2EV QRP Country #54
04:28  UA2BD 
05:12  KH6CC (Jack called me while I was clg ON4AEK!!)
05:18  OK1DRU
05:27  DK6WL  our 3rd QRP QSO 
05:33  DK7SU  2nd QRP QSO w/Ranier
05:54  DK6AS  2nd QSO QSO w/Andy
06:08  9A4A
06:17  LA0CX  4th QRP QSO w/Uli
06:24  SM4HJZ

I was pleased to read Mike, VE9AA's comments on his QRP escapades. 
Hey you big guns out there, when condx are above normal and the Topband 
newbies are trying to work some of the DX that you've worked over and over, 
why not give them a chance and turn off the afterburners? You'll probably 
STILL beat most of these new guys in the pileups with your low power, so 
why not try a real challange. Turn the drive pot on your transceiver 
to the QRP level and see what you can work with 5 Watts. You'd be amazed 
what can be worked with QRP when the condx are good. And if the rare one 
comes along, you can always turn switch on the amp again. So, WATSA OM?  
What you you have to lose? 

 73 de Rich - K1HTV
 (See you in the ARRL DX test on 160M from W3LPL)

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