TopBand: V5 report from Boring
LarryX Tyree contractor for brentc
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 09:30:52 -0800 (PST)
There were no echos on the V5 last night, but he was coming in
for over TWO HOURS!!! Very bizarre as I have never heard the ZS's that
long here.
The best signal strength was around 0300Z, which is also when they
asked W6/W7 (when they worked K7CA and N7NG). However, I was still
copying them almost up to 0500Z.
I thought I heard them come back to me once, but am not sure we
completed the QSO. Someone sent N6TR, but I am not sure it was
them. If anyone heard the QSO, they can save me from trying for
another one.
This morning was the first time I heard 3W5FM. He was on 1826
and peaked up to a nice 569 on peaks. He seemed to be hearing
most everyone calling him. This was around 1500Z. KH2D and KH6CC
were both on as well. It was interesting hearing a QSO between
KH6CC and KH2D where Jim gave Jack a 449, and I was hearing both
of them 579 or better. This was right at my sunrise.
There was some intentional QRM during my QSO with 3W5FM - one station
was sending random dits over the exchange, and then another station
(who thought they were working him while 3W5FM was evidently coming
back to me) joined in. Lucky for me, a QSB peak occured and I was
able to copy my report.
I have some comments to make about some of the behavior during split
operation - concerning transmissions on the DX stations frequency,
1. If you really MUST send something on the DX stations frequency,
consider turning your amplifier off. You will still be loud
enough for everyone to hear.
2. There are always 4 or 5 stations say UP when someone calls by
mistake. Let's agree that anyone reading this message will not
do this anymore, and there will only be 2 stations doing it. Let
someone else do your dirty work.
3. Please do not transmit on the DX stations frequency to tell someone
about anything that does not affect the ability of people to hear the
DX station. I heard some station transmitting on the V5's frequency
to tell someone in the pileup that they were transmitting when the
V5 was transmitting. My reaction to that is "WHO CARES??". It doesn't
affect the ability of others to hear them - but the message to them
did. They sent this message while the V5 was transmitting.
4. I won't bother commenting about the foul language because the
people doing that probably aren't on this list anyway. I have been
disgusted several times at what I have heard in the pileups over the
past few days. This type of behavior never decreases the amount
of QRM and generates its own.
Finally, it appeared to me that the V5 was often taking tailenders,
which can be a good thing, but it does encourage less structure to
what is going on. There was at least one station who was tailending
very well and he has lots of experience from the other side of the
Hopefully we will get a better opening sometime during the week.
These guys are to be congratulated on the signal they have radiated.
Oh - I did work IT9ZGY and sort of worked G3PQA, so the band wasn't
totally dead to Europe. N7DD was running Europeans, so he seemed
to have had a good opening. I couldn't hear most of what he worked
(G3PQA was the only one I could hear).
Received a QSL from CT1BOH - thanks Jose!
73 Tree N6TR
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