TopBand: H44FN and JQ1NGT/JD1/m.t
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 13:24:00 +0900
I wrote yesterday,
> H44FN was on 10100.5kHz around 08:00z today, 589.
> He said "WL QRV ON 1822 AT 1200Z TODAY".
I wacthed 1822kHz around 12z last-nite but no copy of H44FN sig.
>From my friend; (To Kent SM4CAN, JA2XW has no e-mail address).
"JA2XW posted on P/Clstr the info of H44FN that he was on 1822 at 19:19z".
Around 21:20z this AM, JQ1NGT/JD1 Minami-torishima worked a HA in Europe
on 1911/1822kHz.
As his sig was real 599, I asked him "HOW LONG DO U STAY THERE ?" twice
but answer was "SRI QRN 73". I didn't watch him much time then.
Heard him on 30/40/80M with FB sig in the afternoon and evening our time.
Also I asked JG8NQJ/JD1/m.t same thing past day on 30M but he wanted me
"REPEAT AGN". "WHEN DO U QRT FRM ISLAND ?". "AGN PSE"... Sig: 599/599.
I'm afraid they are not good at English, as I'm also. ;-(
YE0AX(?) was on 1829 working JAs around 2130z, S6-7 but Q4 bad QRN here.
He gave me 579. I don't hear YB1AQS lately.
FB DX ! de Yosi JA3AAW (I have no Packet/Cluster)
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