TopBand: 160 meter Contest
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 10:42:43 -0500
Last year there was quite a lively discussion on the internet after the
CQWW 160 meter contest over observing (or rather not observing) the DX
window. This is because a lot of the boys in the northeast are opposed to
having any kind of a DX window on 160. Many of us, of the non-northeastern
ilk and, therefore, by definition, propagationally-challenged on 160, favor
the window concept and a number of us favor actually expanding it. Some of
the more prominent ((?) or is it vocal) northeastern ops made the point
that the contest is really not a DX contest but is actually a sweepstakes
kind of affair, therefore, I guess, buttressing their opposition to the DX
After listening to to the wall-to-wall stateside stations last night
blocking any DX to the propagationally-challenged non-northeastern part of
the country, I have come to the conclusion that it is not a DX contest, at
least in North America. (It was interesting to read the report from
American Samoa that he copied some NA stations but apparently couldn't get
through because of QRM).
Therefore, I have two suggestions:
1) Rename the contest The CQ 160 Meter Sweepstakes AND
2) move the date out of the prime DX season of February to, say, around
late May or June or July or anytime other than when we have
intercontinental propagation since DX is not really the intent of the
BTW, adoption of this recommendation in no way moderates the need for a DX
window on 160 meters.
Phil Finkle, K6EID/4
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