TopBand: Re: Top Band S.S. Style Contests

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 14:45:32 -0500 (EST)

Note, Majordomo bounced the attachment Kristin refers to 
since it resulted in four 40K messages!  I've attached his
text without the bitmap file.  Note to all, there has been
NO mention of moving the CQ 160 CW Contest...only the SSB.
QRX all for an announcement tonight...we have a volunteer
to collect comments from subscribers to this reflector and

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

From: Kristinn Andersen <>
Subject: Re: Top Band S.S. Style Contests
X-Attachments: C:\My Documents\CQ160CW.bmp;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I am definitely FOR the 160m contest in the middle of the 160m DX season.

Now, I did some analysis of the CQ 160m CW results summarized by Jimmy
Floyd and plotted the number of W/VE and DX multipliers vs. operating
categories and location (see attached bitmap file CQ160CW.bmp).  Note
that I moved all western hemisphere stations into the W/VE categories,
so I am for the most part displaying "North America" vs. "Europe".
Some findings from that graph:

- From the DX sites the LP stations are confined to working only a small
  portion of the W/VE multipliers (5 or fewer of the approx. 55 that
  were in the contest).
- From the US sites the LP stations manage to work up to about 30 of the
  approx. 70 DX multipliers in the contest).

I look forward to the 160m contest next year!

73 de Kristinn, TF3KX

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