TopBand: Jammer on CN8GI

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:00:23 -0500 (EST)

        Tonight we had a jammer on CN8GI (1841 around 0315-0345Z)
who was rebroadcasting an FM weather beacon from Wakefield, VA.
Since the range of those is usually around 30 miles, the offender
must be within a 30 mile radius of Wakefield which is half way
between Petersburg and Norfolk, VA.  If any of you have an idea
who might be doing this, please reply to me directly.  Let's nail
this guy!

        For any of you in the SE Virginia area with Beverage
systems, please give me your phone numbers in case he tries this
again.  We should be able to triangulate him with enough guys 
who have multiple Beverages.  Please no comments to the reflector
about this but reply to me at

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

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