TopBand: Forwarded message from KJ9C
Bill Tippett
Fri, 28 Feb 1997 14:09:04 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: TS940 RX vs newer rigs???
>As a died in the wool TS940 user, I've been believing that the 940's receiver
>was as good as I could find for 160 and 80 meter DX CW, short of some of
>the older rigs (like the Drake and Collins stuff). Even though copy is
>rough here in the "black hole" of DX, I have been able to work a number of
>countries on these bands with just 100 watts. Even though I have
>line noise at 30-40 dB over S9 most of the time, the 940's noise blanker
>does a fair job of removing it... but background noise on those two bands
>still runs S4 to S7 most of the evening. I have a number of receive antennas,
>a 500 hz mech filter, an ANC-4, and a DSP-59 to kick in to help the signal.
>But most of the time hearing 160 DX is a major feat from central Indiana
>with major line noise.
>Now a friend of mine buys a new Kenwood TS570, the one with audio DSP built in.
>And I try it out at his place. Even though he has little auduble line noise, he
>also does not have an array of beverages, ewes, and full size 160 meter
>antennas at his place. He has an 8 band vertical (80 thru 10) mounted at ground
>level.... just like one I have at my place. And the one at my place is not as
>good on receive as the ewe, beverage, or even the full size 160 dipole
>that I use.
>But what I hear on the 570 amazes me. It's early evening, when all I hear at
>home on 160 M is static. And his 570 is dragging in European signals above the
>background noise. When he kicks in noise reduction (NOT the noise blanker) the
>CW sounds like it's a code practice tape! On 160! Not only that, but at the 50
>hz filter bandwidth (actually about 80-90hz) there was practically no ringing.
>I plan to borrow his rig and try it at my place with better RX antennas
>and the heavy lione noise, just to get an apples/apples comparison.
>So the question to recent buyers of new rigs is:
>Compared to your experience with older "top-end" receivers (like the 940 WAS
>ten years ago) how do the new receivers stack up? I know that audio DSP will
>overload without a mechanical filter as well, and I saw it on Eric's 570 (he
>has a 500 Hz filter on order). But what about fully loaded TS570, TS870,
>FT1000MP, Omnii VI, etc? What differences do YOU notice?
>**Please answer me directly, so as not to overload the reflector, and I
>will summarize for the reflector.**!!!! ATTENTION ATTENTION !!!!!!! This
means send your reply to CRICHTON_MELVIN_J@LILLY.COM, not W4ZV!
>BTW: Eric has a complete TS-830 setup for sale, with speaker, tuner, and
>external VFO.... if interested I will pass your name along.
>Mel KJ9C
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