TopBand: MFJ Tuners, etc

Thu, 2 Jan 1997 00:08:47 +0100 (MET)

 3KW. As Dentron progressed up the power curve with the
> Clipperton L,  MLA-2500 and DTL-2000 a larger tuner was needed. This
> became the popular 3KW Super Tuner. I think they also had another  tuner
> rated in between .  

I once had ( before relocating to OZ) the MLA 2500/3KWtuner combination. On 
160- the ATU broke down. The switch was under-rated for the current !!  When I looked inside I 
failed to understand why they claimed 3KW acapability !
> The very nice Ameritron ATR-15 was an almost carbon copy of the big
> Dentron. Same  OEP capacitors, same B&W coil, same Centralab switch. I
> cant say if the ATR used a Lexan (a higher priced B&W option) insulated
> coil or the same polystyrene as the Dentron.  BTW, is the ATR still
> produced??   The Dentron coil did have a tendency to deform over the
> years when pushed at high RF levels.