TopBand: HEARD ISLAND MESSAGE # 22 (Edited by W4ZV)

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 16:55:43 GMT

>I am sorry to report that the pilots have had no contact
>at all with the crew since the morning of Jan 1st.
>Whereas everyone expected the guys to make a repeat per-
>formance of their Jan 1/2nd 160 m show, it was total
>silence on 160, as well as any other band on Jan 2nd. They
>were not even spotted on the HF bands during day time on
>Jan 2nd.
>A number of e-mail messages that have been sent in the past
>24 hours have remained unanswered so far (Jan 3, 1400z).
>MORE ON 160:
>An intersting note came from Jerry, WB9Z, who wrote "TO0R 
>had a very nice signal here last night, interesting they 
>were coming in over the North east, the same direction as 
>ZS8IR a few weeks ago."
>These are the kind of crooked paths that we will have to 
>expect on 160 meters (and even the other low bands). 
>During winter time in the Northern hemisphere, signals 
>tend to travel as lomg as possible in the northern hemi-
>sphere, where it is winter (much darknes). This phenome-
>non is typical on relatively long paths. A typical example
>well known in Western Europe is the path to ZL, which
>is coming across South America during European summer,
>across Central America during the equinox period, and 
>across North America during European Winter months. This
>means a direction of signal arrival that shifts a full 90
>degrees with season.
>The pilot team has prepared a full contribution on "working
>VK0HI on the low bands" coming up in a few days. 
>Fasten your seat belts.
>Many stations have asked if the TY0R logs would be 
>available on the log server. This was not planned, but 
>we have asked the guys on Reunion to send the files, 
>so that we can do it. ON4UN will take care of the file 
>format transformation, and Lyndon, VE7TCP will do the 
>necessary from the server end. We will keep you posted
>on this subject. Keep your fingers crossed!
>Your pilots: ON4UN, N1DG, W0EK, K0EU, W4WW, W2IJ, JH1ROJ

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